08 May
Summer Waxing Tips: Soft, Glowing Skin for Summer Fun

It’s time for the summer. The fun and glamour begin at this time of the year. I mean spring is okay too, but summer is the time to get your groove on. And what better way to ensure you have fun than having soft skin and wearing anything that you want when you want.

Yes, that is what a strip wax will do for you. Clothes that were fun and warm to wear now become a complete nuisance because the sun is already burning hot enough. And don’t get me started about going to the beach right? There is that bikini line that has to look hairless before you can even think of slipping into the swimsuit that you’ve saved to slay with longer than you can remember.

These are just a few reasons that should compel any girl or guy to think about getting waxed. Of course, there is the pain they talk about, which I won’t lie about because it’s true. But it gets better with time, and the more you do it, the less painful it becomes the next time you go for waxing. Blue hard wax for hair removal is best known to leave you hairless with as little pain as possible.

So, what are some of the tips that you should have under your fingertips to make the process a little less painful? Have a look at this list that we have come up with, and you will not regret it:-

Let It Grow Out Then Get It Waxed

Before you even think of getting waxed, you need to ensure that you have at least ¼ inch of hair growth whether it’s your legs or down there. The reason being when you go earlier than that the hot wax could strip off your skin or leave you with burns that are worse than the waxing itself. The wax will most likely not stick to your hair follicles hence you will still have that little ingrown hair after the process.

Commit Yourself

This is not something a lot of people will tell you. Before you go for that strip wax that you’ve been dreaming of (however painful) you need to think about your commitment first. What do I mean? Hair removal is a process that gets easier and less painless with time. This means that you cannot do it once and stop there until after two years again when you want to try something other than a razor, no. You have to commit getting waxed after every 4-6weeks to ensure the hair is well grown and the pain is less than the last time.


Yes, exfoliation is important which is why everyone is talking about it. Part of prepping your skin is exfoliating which means scrubbing the dead skin off and putting the hair in line. This will ensure the waxing process is less painful and much easier for you and the aesthetician.


Yes, yes you love yourself some water. But do you know that hydration is really important after getting waxed? Now you do. You need to be well hydrated because summer means hot sun and more sweating hence more water is required by the skin and every other organ in your body. You don’t want to have dry, flaky skin before your next appointment, trust me I know.

Waxing Seems Expensive, So Save Up

Before you even start thinking about how hot the blue hard wax for hair removal will be on your skin, how about thinking of whether the process is affordable or expensive on your part. If the latter is true, then not getting the wax done is the wrong move. You can save up early enough to ensure that you get waxed at the right time, with the right person for the right amount. Although it might seem a bit far-fetched for most, waxing is completely worth it because you stay without hair longer than usual and the hair becomes less after every session.

Don’t Wax Before Menstruation

Menstruation as we know it is a blessing, but sometimes it seems more like a nuisance right? We won’t rant about this today but, here is a tip that might be helpful to you. Don’t wax before your period. The skin in your bikini area is pretty vulnerable at this time, and it would hurt badly if you were to wax before your monthly periods. Wait it out and do it after and you will be safe.

No Tight Clothes

You have had a strip wax done, and you feel soft and tender, oh and you are in pain. Tight clothes immediately after might not be something that you want to be added to that list. After a day or two, you’ll be good to go with your favorite tight jeans without any trouble. And by the way, enjoy the days of wearing short dresses and less tight booty shorts before your leg hairs start growing again.

This list should be your best friend to avoid painful waxing processes during the summer. Preparing before also ensures that you are calm while getting your wax done rather than rushing to make arrangements on that day. You are anxious enough about getting waxed to think about what else you might or might not have done prior.

The blue hard wax for hair removal is the go-to for many aestheticians. So before you pay your first visit to your favorite spa or salon, how about you pop an Advil before to reduce the pain and ease into the process.

When you do these things right, you can rest assure that waxing will be a pleasant process for you. You might make it your go-to hair removal process and ditch everything else you were doing in the past.

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